The Ginnans
Hey, we're John and Caity Ginnan. We have 3 kids, Tessa, Greyson, and Karis. We serve as NY Youth Alive Missionaries. Youth Alive® is a church-assisting ministry which provides local churches with the leadership, network and resources to grow a movement of middle, jr. high and high school campus missionaries who are activated for the social and spiritual renewal of their schools. We give leadership, network, and resources to grow a movement of grade 7 to 12 students transforming their communities with the Message of Hope, Jesus Christ
Connect with the Ginnans!
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The People
Gen Z Stats
• Nearly half (45%) of U.S. Gen Z teens say they never attend church or any kind of religious service.
• Gen Z is twice as likely to identify as atheist compared to previous generation - confirm
• 1 in 4 Christian Gen Z teens currently read their Bible weekly or more frequently.
• 1 in 4 Gen Z teens say their mental health is poor. • Suicidal thoughts among youth are on the rise. Ages 5 to 17 visited hospitals for suicidal thoughts or attempts about twice as often in 2015 as in 2008
The Location
The school campus is strategic for the local church to reach the next generation, their community, and the world.
• At estimated 20% of one’s community is gathered at the school every day. One of the largest employers in every community is the school district.
• 1.2 million grade 6-12 students in New York in
approximately 2800 schools.
• 2000 elementary schools, each can define an individual New York community.
Source: NYDOE data
What does the Ginnans' ministry look like?
Training Students and Leaders​
Helping students start campus clubs
Resourcing pastors and students to reach their schools
Help church's connect with school's through school assembly's
Student and Leader Cohorts​
Launch Night Live